The Big Book of Rights!
Learn more about The Big Book of Rights, written by Dannika Patterson and illustrated by Amanda Letcher.
A BIG Book of Rights has launched!
We’ve launched an exciting new BIG book this October as part of Children’s Week 2024 and celebrations for the 35th Anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Designed to educate children and raise awareness about their rights, this vibrant and engaging book is the result of consultation with over 200 Queensland children, capturing their thoughts and ideas in a relatable narrative.

The BIG Book of Rights
Written by Dannika Patterson and illustrated by Amanda Letcher, The Big Book of Rights celebrates the rights of every child. Featuring colorful illustrations and child-friendly language, The Big Book of Rights presents the 54 rights of a child in an accessible and engaging manner for young readers. It serves not only as an educational tool but also as a source of inspiration, empowering children to recognise their rights.
Read the Report
The Big Book of Rights was developed in consultation with over 200+ children aged 4-12 years. The report summarises the findings from a series of children’s rights picture book consultation workshops to investigate children’s understanding of their rights. Seven group consultation workshops were run in partnership with local (Brisbane) kindergartens and primary schools.

Teaching Resource
The Big Book of Rights Teaching Resource has been designed to offer educators flexible tools to explore children’s rights with students of varying abilities. Aligned with the Australian Curriculum the guide provides lesson ideas, activities, and discussion prompts suitable for diverse learning levels. Educators are encouraged to adjust the materials to fit the needs of their individual classes, ensuring every student can engage meaningfully with the content.
Our Other Books

The Right to Be Me
The Right to Be Me is a children’s book targeted at children aged 5 to 10 years and follows the story of Lowanna and Jack, who reconnect with their friends and learn about their rights. This book features the TypeRights font which was inspired by Queensland children.
From only $12

I Am Me
Viewed over 20,000 times on YouTube, our ‘I Am Me’ song co-created with Aunty Sharron mirii Bell, and Queensland children has been a huge success. We’re excited to be launching a Children’s Singalong Book to accompany the song in September.