The Right to Be Me
Children’s Rights Queensland has produced a children’s book to help educate children about their rights. Learn more below.
Our first Children's Picture Book has launched!
The Right to Be Me is a story about children’s rights written by Allison Paterson and Illustrated by Amanda Letcher (JSAcreative). The book is targeted at children aged 5 to 10 years and follows the story of Lowanna and Jack, who reconnect with their friends and learn about their rights.
This book features the TypeRights font which was inspired by Queensland children who designed the letters as part of Children’s Week 2020.
We’ve launched our first children’s picture book The Right to Be Me. What better way to celebrate children’s week than to organise a book reading in your community!
Click on the link below to read a digital version of the book or order a hard copy version here.

If you would like to order a copy of the book for a school or library and require an invoice please contact us.