Committee: Code of Conduct

Committee Code of Conduct


  • I will act within the constitution of Queensland Children’s Week Association and the law and abide by the policies and procedures of the organisation. This includes having knowledge of the contents of the constitution and relevant policies and procedures.
  • I will support the objects and mission of Queensland Children’s Week Association, championing it, using any skills or knowledge I have, to further that mission and seek expert advice where appropriate.
  • I will respect and uphold the values of the Queensland Children’s Week Association
  • I will be an active committee member, making my skills, experience and knowledge available to Queensland Children’s Week Association and seeking to do what additional work I can outside of meetings, including sitting on sub-committees.
  • I will respect organisational, committee and individual confidentiality, while never using confidentiality as an excuse not to disclose matters that should be transparent and open.
  • I will develop and maintain a sound and up-to-date knowledge of Queensland Children’s Week Association and its environment. This will include an understanding of how Queensland Children’s Week Association operates, the social, political and economic environment in which it operates and the nature and extent of its work.
  • I will use Queensland Children’s Week Association’s resources responsibly, and when claiming expenses will do so in line with its procedures.
  • I will seek to be accountable for my actions as a committee member of Queensland Children’s Week Association and will submit myself to whatever scrutiny is appropriate.
  • I accept my responsibility to ensure that Queensland Children’s Week Association is well run and will raise issues and questions in an appropriate and sensitive way to ensure that this is the case.
  • I will ensure I consult with members of the management committee before distributing communications to external parties, if they relate to the operation and sustainability of the Queensland Children’s Week Association.


  • While on the committee, I will not gain financially from my involvement with Queensland Children’s Week Association Inc. unless specifically authorised to do so.
  • I will act in the best interests of Queensland Children’s Week Association as a whole, and not as a representative of any group – considering what is best for Queensland Children’s Week Association and its present and future beneficiaries and avoiding bringing the association into disrepute.
  • Unless authorised, I will not put myself in a position where my personal interests’ conflict with my duty to act in the interests of the organisation. Where there is a conflict of interest, I will ensure that this is managed effectively and that I make the Management Committee aware.
  • I understand that a failure to declare a conflict of interest may be considered a breach of this code.



  • I will attend all Queensland Children’s Week Association meetings and other appointments or give apologies. If I cannot regularly attend meetings, I will consider whether there are other ways I can engage with Queensland Children’s Week Association.
  • I will prepare fully for all meetings and work for the organisation. This will include reading papers, querying anything I do not understand, thinking through issues before meetings and completing any tasks assigned to me in the agreed time.
  • I will actively engage in discussion, debate and voting in meetings, contributing in a considered and constructive way, listening carefully, challenging sensitively and avoiding conflict.
  • I will participate in collective decision making, accept a majority decision of the committee and will not act individually unless specifically authorised to do so.



  • I will actively contribute towards improving the governance of the committee participating in induction and training and sharing ideas for improvement with the committee.
  • I will help to identify good candidates to engage with the association and, with my fellow committee, will appoint ambassadors and leaders in accordance with agreed selection criteria.



  • I will endeavour to work considerately and respectfully with all those I engage with. I will respect diversity, different roles and boundaries, and avoid giving offence.
  • I recognise that the roles of the management committee, committee members, ambassadors, leaders, volunteers and staff of Queensland Children’s Week Association are different, and I will seek to understand and respect the difference between these roles.
  • I will seek to support and encourage all those I encounter at the Queensland Children’s Week Association. I recognise my responsibility to support the Management Committee and respect decisions.
  • I will not make public comments about the Queensland Children’s Week Association unless authorised to do so. Any public comments I make about Queensland Children’s Week Association will be considered and in line with organisational policy, whether I make them as an individual or as a committee member.


  • I understand that substantial breaches to any part of this code may result in procedures being put in motion that may result in my being asked to resign from the committee.
  • Should this happen, I will be given the opportunity to be heard. In the event that I am asked to resign from the committee I will accept the majority decision of the management committee in this matter and resign at the earliest opportunity.
  • If I wish to cease being a committee member of Queensland Children’s Week Association at any time, I will inform the President in advance (giving as much notice as possible) in writing, stating my reasons for leaving.