YLC Overview
The Young Leaders Challenge is designed for high-school aged children in Queensland.
Program Structure:
The Young Leaders Challenge aims to inspire future leaders, providing real life experiences to students and engaging communities. The program is endorsed by educators, supported by professionals and designed for students.
The structure of the challenge (TEAR framework) is outlined below:
- Train (participants complete online training and gain knowledge)
- Engage (participants research and select a project to complete in their community)
- Act (participants deliver their project)
- Reflect (participants report on their project)
Program Features:
Features include:
- Short online training modules for participants to complete in their own time
- Resources to assist participants complete their projects
- Opportunities for participants to engage with their community
- Experience for students with leadership potential
Online Modules:
There are five online modules to complete. They take around 3 hours in total and participants have one year to complete the program. Modules focus on leadership, children’s rights and project planning.
The program requires participants to deliver one of the following projects in their community:
- Speech or presentation
- Artwork
- Event (fundraiser or celebration)
- Free choice – you will need to seek approval for free choice projects.
- More information is available of the Leaders Portal.
Benefits for participants:
- Leadership experience
- A platform to promote events and initiatives in their local communities
- Volunteer experience and an opportunity to give back
- Access to an online leadership portal
- Leaders Program Certificate (after completion of the program)
- Entry into the YLC Program Awards
Requirements for participants:
If you’d like to participate in the Young Leaders Challenge you will need to:
- Submit an application form online
- Complete the online training and access the online resources
- Deliver or support a project in you community
- Complete a short online report on completion of your project.
Participants receive a certificate of completion when the program has concluded. Awards are distributed to students that deliver outstanding projects at the end of each year.
Initiative: Ambassador Program
Cost: Free
Targeted at: Individuals working with children, families and communities and looking for volunteer opportunities.
Applications accepted: All year round