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The Kids are all Rights

The Kids are all Rights

Children have the right to think and believe what they want and to practice whatever religion they choose, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights.

This is just one of many human rights that more than 100 Queensland schools and early childhood centres will teach children this week. As part of Children’s Week the Queensland Family and Child Comission has partnered with Children’s Rights Queensland to promote the rights of children.

Kingston State School is one of the schools participatin in the week;s “TypeRights” font challenge, whcih encourages children to resdesign letters of the alaphabet to express children’s rights.

Children’s Week State Ambassador Cheryl Vardon said the week shone a light on children’s rights. Daisy, Tyrees, Eva, John, Sara and Melchoir said creating a new font was fun and helped them learn about their rights.

“We got to do different patterns and heaps of colouring options and we learnt each letter stands for a children’s right” Eva said.

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