
Find a Children's Week celebration near you!

Registered Events

Children’s Week celebrations, events or projects can be searched below:

Over 200 private Children’s Week events will be taking place across Queensland. If you are holding your own private celebration register it here to receive a Children’s Week pack.

Public events are shown below:

Current Month


Lego for disadvantage children and cultural groups

05octAll Day31Young Parents Children's Week 2023

11oct8:45 am10:00 amLet’s Play at Nobby

14oct9:00 am9:00 amKids markets

17oct9:30 am5:00 pmA gathering of children to sing, dance and enjoy together

19oct9:30 am4:00 pmKindy Cultural Celebration

19oct9:30 am10:00 amCelebrating Playmatters 50th Birthday and Imaginative play month

21oct8:30 am8:30 amOutreach programs to help at risk youth

21oct9:00 am6:00 pmProject Handball 2023

21oct9:30 am11:30 amDingo Playgroups Children’s Rights Week Open Day

21oct10:00 am2:00 pmKaralee Playgroup's Family Fun Day

21oct3:00 pm6:00 pmKawana Community Kindergarten Open Studio

21oct4:00 pm9:00 amDinosaur Bone-Anza

21oct6:30 pm10:00 amMovie under the stars

22oct8:30 am9:00 amYouth Bands in Concert

23oct12:00 am12:00 amChildren's Week Buddy to Buddy Program

23oct9:00 am4:00 pmFree car safety seat checks

23oct9:00 am10:00 amCommunity Carpark Collaboration gatherings

23oct9:00 am3:00 pmPlaygroup Dress Up Party

23oct9:00 am4:00 pmFamilies in FocusListening to the voices of families of children with a disability

23oct9:30 am9:30 amBoundless Joy: Embracing Children's Right to Play and Leisure

23oct9:30 am11:30 amDress Up at PlayGroupCome Celebrate Children\\'s Week by Dressing Up!

23oct10:00 am12:00 amParent &child library / art display

23oct10:30 am9:30 amSam has a go! Join Sam as they try their hand at three new activities during Children's Week 2023! (Sam is the name of our huge 5-foot teddy bear)

23oct1:00 pm2:30 pmWebinar: Play, participation & poverty

24oct9:00 am9:00 amThe Project for Autism Empowerment (PAE)

24oct9:00 am8:00 amCheeky Monkeys Playgroup - Children's rights week

24oct9:30 am9:30 amImaginative Play Matters

24oct9:30 am11:00 amCelebrating Children's Rights

24oct9:30 am11:30 amImaginative Play MattersCelebrating Children\\'s Rights

24oct10:00 am11:30 amGarden Picnic

24oct2:00 pm5:00 pmFamily Fun DayHammon Island Family Fun Day

25octAll DayChildrens Week Dress Up Day

25oct9:00 am9:00 amPlay2Learn

25oct9:00 am12:30 pmCelebration of Children's week

25oct9:30 am9:30 amInclusion Dress Up Party

25oct9:30 am11:30 amSandgate Imaginative Play Open DayCelebrating Imaginative Play

25oct10:00 am2:00 pmProspect Teddy Bear's Picnic

25oct10:00 am12:00 pmTeddy Bears PicnicJoin us to celebrate Children\\'s Week 2023!

25oct10:00 am12:00 pmSensory Pop Up Playgroup

25oct2:00 pm5:00 pmFamily Fun DayHorn Island Family Fun Day

25oct5:45 pm9:00 pmGSSC Children's Rights Awareness Night

26oct9:00 am12:00 pmCommunity playgroup sausage sizzle and dress up

26oct9:30 am11:30 amIts party time at Play Matters Ipswich HubCelebrate your child

26oct9:30 am9:00 amMy Play, My Right!

26oct9:30 am12:30 pmFamily Fun DayThursday Island Family Fun Day

26oct9:30 am11:30 amYeronga Playgroup Children's Week Celebration

26oct10:00 am11:30 amPizza Party

26oct10:00 am9:30 amWho we are.

27oct9:00 am8:30 amI am me

27oct9:00 am11:00 amDiversity 🥰Play time for children on the farm

27oct9:30 am11:00 amDress Up Day

27oct9:30 am11:30 amDress Up at PlayGroupCome Celebrate Children\\'s Week by Dressing Up!

27oct6:30 pm9:30 pmMovie under the stars

28oct9:00 am10:00 amChildren of Harmony

28oct9:00 am10:30 amSpanish playgroup - Imaginative Play Matters & Children's Week

28oct9:00 am4:00 pmTree and seed plantingEnvironmental friendly garden seedlings planting project

28oct10:30 am2:30 pmMy Pathway's Teddy Bears Picnic

28oct2:00 pm9:30 amChildren's Picnic in the Park

28oct3:00 pm6:30 pmFamily Celebration

29oct10:30 am2:30 pmMy Pathway's Teddy Bears PicnicMy Pathway\\'s Teddy Bears\\' Picnic is a chance for parents, carers and children to enjoy a range of free outdoor activities.

29oct6:00 pm9:30 amCelebrating Children’s Week with Cross Culture Youth

31oct3:00 pm9:00 amDuaringa Disco

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